List No: | 6063 |
List Date: | 16 September 2024 |
sqft: | 1080 |
Number of Rooms: | 2+2 |
Building Age: | 5-10 years |
Number of Floors: | 1 |
Floor Location: | Basement 1 |
Number of Bathrooms: | 4 |
Number of Balconies: | 1 |
Heating: | Natural Gas Stove |
Furnished: | No |
Usage Status: | For Rent |
Within Compound: | No |
Maintenance Fee: | No |
Credit Eligible: | No |
From Whom: | From Owner |
Exchange: | No |
Price | 15.000.000 PKR |
List No | 6063 |
List Date | 16 September 2024 |
sqft | 1080 |
Number of Rooms | 2+2 |
Building Age | 5-10 years |
Number of Floors | 1 |
Floor Location | Basement 1 |
Number of Bathrooms | 4 |
Number of Balconies | 1 |
Heating | Natural Gas Stove |
Furnished | No |
Usage Status | For Rent |
Within Compound | No |
Maintenance Fee | No |
Credit Eligible | No |
From Whom | From Owner |
Exchange | No |
Basement+ ground floor
2 bedroom+DD + 4 bathrooms.
1st floor is under construction.
First floor Structure is ready.