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List No: | 4875 |
List Date: | 20 August 2024 |
sqft: | 10 Marla |
Number of Rooms: | 6+1 |
Building Age: | |
Number of Floors: | 2 |
Floor Location: | Villa Type |
Number of Bathrooms: | 5+ |
Number of Balconies: | 2 |
Heating: | None |
Furnished: | No |
Usage Status: | Empty |
Within Compound: | No |
Maintenance Fee: | No |
Credit Eligible: | Unknown |
From Whom: | From Real Estate Agency |
Exchange: | No |
Price | 47.500.000 PKR |
List No | 4875 |
List Date | 20 August 2024 |
sqft | 10 Marla |
Number of Rooms | 6+1 |
Building Age | |
Number of Floors | 2 |
Floor Location | Villa Type |
Number of Bathrooms | 5+ |
Number of Balconies | 2 |
Heating | None |
Furnished | No |
Usage Status | Empty |
Within Compound | No |
Maintenance Fee | No |
Credit Eligible | Unknown |
From Whom | From Real Estate Agency |
Exchange | No |
Trophy Properties (Authorized Real Estate Company) offer buy a dream house and start living your dream life in peaceful environment. Lake City offers all facilities you need to live a standard life. Features: - 6 Bed rooms 7 washroom - TV lunge - Basement - Drawing room - Dining room - Store room - Double kitchen - Terrace - Garage and Lawn . Located on main Raiwind Road near Adda Plot roundabout . Own power generation back up plant (No Load Shedding) . Underground wiring/utilities . Populated area with thousands of families living in . Masjid, Parks, Cinepax Cinema, Wellness Club and more . International Schools . All utilities available . 18-hole golf course and Country Club . Due to Ring Road in coming year: 15 minutes approach from Airport . Low Risk & High Reward investment . Recommended for both living and investment Contact us for more detail. Trophy Properties